Dick McCarthy | June 4, 2015

I obtained this car about a year ago on eBay. The owner was from Arkansas, and did the body work on the car. Unfortunately, right after I bought it he moved to France, and I was not able talk with him about all of the changes that had been made. It runs the standard MGB engine and drive train. Last winter, I rebuilt the front end with all new parts from Moss; they have three grades: stock, upgraded stock, and race. Here, I used the upgraded stock components and brought the ride height down to pre ’74 specs, and lowered the rear end with lowering blocks. I recovered and installed new foam in the custom made “bomber seats”, and added 3″ lap belts with 2″ shoulder harnesses. This winter, I may tackle rewiring the car. All the electrics work, but there are a lot of unused wires as well as wires that have been spliced over the years. I’m also thinking of acquiring a set of black wire wheels. If anybody has any info on this car, please get in touch with me via email.


Dick McCarthy is a British car enthusiast from Temperance, Michigan. You can send him an email at: [email protected]


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