The Morgan Motor Company in England is one of the oldest auto manufacturers in the world and the only company still making their cars entirely by hand, just like they did over 100 years ago when they first opened their doors. In fact, they are still made in the same factory they were built in way back then. As you can imagine, the facility has grown a bit over the years, but seriously just a bit. The facility is located in the English countryside in a great little town called Malvern.
On a recent trip to England, we decided we just had to go check out this facility and see where all Morgans for the last 100+ years have been made. On arrival, we were blown away at how open the facility is. We literally pulled off the main road and right into the factory where all the cars were being made. No security guards, no gates, no nothing, just a few employees pointing us where to park so that we did not get in the way of the work.

We headed to the main office where we had pre-registered for a tour of the factory that day. We signed in and let the girl behind the desk know who we were, and minutes late we were met by Jon Wells Morgans, head designer. John sat down with us for a few minutes while we had a cup of tea and then said, “Hey, let’s go check it all out. I will show you around today and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Also feel free to take any photos you like and make yourself at home.” At this point we were a little beside ourselves thinking is he serious?

Not only was he completely serious, but this is how they treat all guests there at the factory. Everything you could ever hope to see is right in front of your eyes being built right there and then. If you have any questions you can ask your tour guide or go right up to one of the employees as they work and ask them. They will be more than happy to answer your question or show you what they are doing. The factory is set up in several large buildings and in each building is a different task being performed by skilled masters of their trade.

It is amazing to watch the cars start out in one side of the factory as a piece of wood and come out the other as a hand crafted piece of automotive art. The Morgan factory is truly like going back in time by not only the methods they use to produce the cars, but by their old fashioned hospitality you receive the second you arrive. We highly recommend touring this facility as it was the highlight of our trip.

You can learn more about taking the factory tour on the Morgan website.
We took dozens of photos while on the tour. If you’re a Morgan lover, or a fan of automobile craft, make sure to check out the slideshow below!
Click on any of the following thumbnails for full-size photos. You can navigate through the slides by clicking on the right and left-hand arrows on the photo or using the < and > keys on your keyboard.