Justin Jergens | August 8, 2013

We weren’t quite sure this was true when we first heard it, but yes, it is true. Aston Martin has signed a deal with German company AMG to provide V8 power trains and electric/electronic architecture components, in exchange for a 5% stake in the Aston Martin company. AMG is a fantastic company and we’re sure Aston Martin has a lot to gain by teaming up with them, but it sure sounds strange that a very British car company like Aston Martin will be partnering with a German company. That said, all the engines Aston Martin currently use are based off Ford engines. I guess the days of Aston Martin designing and build their own engines are long gone. We can’t wait to see what these two companies are able to do, and we sure hope the new Aston Martins are as amazing as in previous years.

What do you think? Feel free to weigh in.