1954 Austin Healey 100/4 Back from the Dead
It was nice to see an old friend back in our shop!

This is a 1954 Austin Healey 100/4 that we have known and serviced for many years. It was last in our shop over 15 years ago and then it seemed to just vanish. We figured the car likely had been sold and we would never see it again. Well, we got a big surprise several weeks ago when we heard from the owner. He had put it into storage here locally about 15 years ago and had not driven the car since.

He had the car towed to us and said that he would love to get it back on the road. So his wish was our command. We have now completely gone through the car making it safe and road-worthy. After all the years sitting in storage we needed to rebuild or replace everything in the brake system. Surprisingly, the car runs excellent and did not need much more than the carburetors rebuilt and a tune up. We did need to go through the cooling system replacing the water pump and all belts and hoses. The wiring was a bit of a mess but we were able to get everything functioning correctly.

1954 Austin Healey 100/4 Back from the Dead
1954 Austin Healey 100/4

The car is now back on the road where we hope it will stay for many years to come. The car is in need of a complete restoration but is an excellent candidate to start with. Our client thinks he would like to have the car restored so we are hoping to hear back from him the near future. Either way, we hope he has many more years of enjoyment with this classic car.